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Fall in Michigan is like that flash you see just before the final second of a sunset. It is a poignant awakening of all the senses, so briefly, just after they have been lulled into a kind of hypnotic state by the warmth of summer nights, but just before they are pulled back into a deep, hibernation-like slumber for the winter. Fall is filled with the colors of changing leaves, the smells of rain, burning leaves, roasting marshmellows, pumpkin coffee, and harvested fields. It's when we get the scarves out but not the mittens. The days get shorter and time slows down.

This is the magical looking forest behind my house. We have so many wildflowers, animals, and trees, everything from phlox to coyotes. I love nothing more than sitting out on my back porch early in the morning with my coffee watching the wild world wake up.

One day, in 2007, a good friend of mine, who was a published writer, invited me to contribute a short story in the horror genre to a collection of other scary stories being published together. I gave him one I had written years ago. He helped me edit it and it was published In HORROR AUTHORS UNITED. My story is called Gypsy. While I had quit writing spooky stories by that time, the fire was lit. I loved seeing my name on the cover of a real, hard copy of a legitimately published book! It inspired me to encourage other people to light their own fires as well. I became my friends' biggest cheerleader for their projects and endeavors. It doesn't take anything away from my own fire to light someone else's. I love to celebrate others' successes as much as I love when other people celebrate mine. Thank you again for visiting my site!


I have several books that will be available soon. So look for those, my blog, and upcoming events.

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